Thursday, June 28, 2012

Question from AMERICA NOW! News 6/28

Content also featured on, for which Theresa Payton serves as a Cyber Expert.

Question: I keep getting pop up to check your credit scores "because of a problem." It said it is free, but you need to enter credit card information to see your credit score.  Is this a scam??

Answer: Even though some pop ups might be legitimate, it is best to avoid clicking on pop ups altogether because this is a common tool for cybercriminals to trick you into turning over your personal information.  You are entitled to a free credit report annually.  I always suggest to space out your requests to asking one credit reporting agency at a time, once a quarter so you can get a look at yourself more than once a year.  You can go to the sites for Equifax, Experian or TransUnion.  If you prefer to check all three at the same time, a handy site to help you with that is 

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