Friday, November 19, 2010

User Surveillance - Free or $25 bucks a head

Government surveillance has to keep up with the times.  You use Google and Yahoo for free, so why does your U.S. Government need to pay when they want to watch you?

Take heart, Microsoft does not charge.

Christopher Soghoian filed a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to look at DEA spending on wiretaps and pen registers.  The wiretaps include phone and internet.  Pen registers show numbers and addresses.

By conducting his research, Mr. Soghoian determined that Microsoft does not charge but Google charges $25 and Yahoo $29 per person.

Most wiretap orders in the U.S. involve narcotics cases which fall under the DEA.

Sources:  "Google charges feds $25 a head for user surveillance, Microsoft charges zilch', Cade Metz, The Register,  November 18, 2010.

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